
.Cat Promo at 14.95!

Diada's day is comming Let's going to celebrate it !

Descripci�n de la imagenNext 11th of september Catalunya celebrates diada's day And Fundació .CAT has started a promocional campaing to promote .cat domain names.

The campaign will consist in getting a promotional code from the registry's website playing an online quiz.

Campaing notes

-This code will reduced the registration fee to 14.95€

-Promotional code valid in registrations and renewals

-Timeframe to get the codes, from friday 9 until friday 16 of september

-Website to get the promocodes

How to get the promocodes?
Registration Codes: playing to one of the following games, "Sant Jordi i el Conqueridor" "Sumergeix-te en la Història" "Navega Segur" & "la Química del .Cat"
Renewal Codes: playing only to following games "Navega Segur" or "La Química de puntCAT".

Promotional codes valids until 31st December 2011

* As always promotional codes will be limited to certain codes per user to prevent abuse
*prices without VAT.

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.Cat Promo at 14.95!