
.es IDN

.es IDN

We open our Idn pre-register system for stagger and free phases. Remember that: 1) The special characters from Spanish languages you will be able to ask for will be: ñ, á, à, é, è, í, ï, ó, ò, ú, ü, ç, l•l. 2) The incorporation process will have these phases: Staged register phase: It will begin in October 2 at 6:00 and it will finish in October 30 at 18:00.During this period you could ask for multilingual domains, with preference, the .es domains owners registered before June 1 of 2007 who comply the derivation rules. Derivation rules are: “á” and “à” characters could be join instead of letter "a" “é” and “è” characters could be join instead of letter "e" “í” and “ï” characters could be join instead of letter "i" “ó” and “ò” characters could be join instead of letter "o" “ú” and “ü” characters could be join instead of letter "u" “ñ” could be join instead of the following letter combinations “n”, “nh”, “ni”, “nn”, “ny”, “gn”. “ç” could be join instead of letter combinations "c", "s" “l.l” and “ü” characters could be join instead of letter "l" or the letter combination "ll" For example, the owner of could ask for www.tejidosespañ Or the owner of could ask for in this phase. There are a preference rules to assign the domains incase there were more than an owner asking for a domain. Free phase: this phase will be ruled by the rule in which the first who arrive, the first who register the domain. Everyone will be able to ask for so many domains as they want if they are available. There are not concrete data, but we can start to do pre-registrations. 3) In the pre-registration system in stagger phase you can only ask for domains if you have any other one registered before June 1 of 2007 which accomplish derivation rules. 4) In pre-registration of free phase we will not allow to repeat forms, so register them as soon as you can. Domain department.

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.es IDN