
Landrush for the domain .mobi

Landrush for the domain .mobi

On the day September 26th at 4:00 pm (Spanish local time) started the Landrush phase for the domains .mobi. With this phase started the free registration for this type of domains, where the first one to arrive is the first one to register the domain, if this one is available. The majority of this generic names are been registered within this period, because this names are the most searched over Internet. For the moment, Landrush is being a success. Entorno Digital, S.A. has obtained 40% of pre-registry domains in this launching The Landrush Phase will end up on October 10th at 3:59 pm (Spanish local time). There will be a day where the domain .mobi will be closed and it will open on October 11th at 4:00 pm (Spanish local time), this is when the definitive free phase will start.

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Landrush for the domain .mobi