
Trademark Clearinghouse

Trademark Clearinghouse

The Trademark Clearinghouse is one of several important enhanced rights protection mechanisms that have been built into the new gTLD program. The Trademark Clearinghouse will accept and authenticate rights information, and will support both trademark claims and sunrise services, required in all new gTLDs. The Clearinghouse is expected to play an important role in the launch of the New gTLD Program and in ensuring ongoing protection of trademark rights.
If a trademark is registered with Clearinghouse only have to ask for an authentication code to register a domain in a sunrise phase for an interested new gTLD. This avoids having to produce documents for each new gTLD that appears and wants to register at sunrise.
Another advantage for brands on the Clearinghouse, is that in each new gTLD you will be informed if someone registers your mark during the first 60 days of the free phase. The registry will also notify the person registering the domain about that brand name is included on the Clearinghouse, informing also that it is in violation of intellectual property rights.
If you want to protect your trademark on the Clearinghouse, please contact us and we will give you all the necessary information.

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Trademark Clearinghouse